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    Food sensitivity, also known as food intolerance, is a common health condition in the US. Experts believe that more than 90% of our population suffers from toxicity of food. If you think this isn’t something serious, think again! It makes a person stressed, in pain, uncomfortable, over-weight, and generally it diminishes the quality of life.

    Understand that food sensitivity is unique to each individual and it changes over the years. You may be sensitive to gluten now but it doesn’t mean that it will stay that way for the rest of your life. As you get older, you may become sensitive to other types of food too such as dairy, nuts or yeast.

    What is the cause of food sensitivity?

    1. Hereditary. It is important to know your family’s history of diseases. If one or both of your parents have food allergies, there’s a high chance you’re going to develop it too.
    2. Weak immune system. Exposure to polluted air and daily stress can weaken the body’s natural defense against food toxins. Sometimes taking vitamin supplements may not be enough. You also have to steer away from inorganic fruits and vegetables that were grown using chemicals and pesticides.
    3. Lack of Probiotics. Your intestines need “friendly” bacteria to fight off candida overgrowth and parasitic infections. High-sugar diet, smoking, antibiotic treatment and even excessive hygiene can lead to probiotic deficiency.
    4. Overeating of one type of food. Food sensitivity can also be developed if the foods that you frequently eat have a common ingredient. For example you eat cereals in the morning, sandwich for lunch, and spaghetti for dinner. Wheat is a common ingredient and your body may react negatively to eating too much of it.
    5. Leaky gut. When the gut doesn’t function properly, bacteria, toxins, undigested food particles and yeast could leak into the bloodstream and cause infection in different parts of the body such as muscles, arteries and brain.

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    What are the common signs of food sensitivity?

    • Constipation
    • Acid Reflux
    • Diarrhea
    • Bloating
    • Gas
    • Nausea
    • Arthritis
    • Skin allergies (psoriasis, eczema, hives)
    • Anxiety

    Food sensitivity is more than just a simple health problem. It starts with minor symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea, but without proper medical attention, it can lead to chronic health issues such as systemic inflammation and excessive weight gain.

    Above all else, food sensitivity can cause chronic pain and can stop you from staying active and doing your day-to-day work. By identifying and eliminating the foods that cause sensitivity, your body will be cleansed and the symptoms will gradually disappear. The positive effects are not just seen on a physical level but mental and emotional changes will be seen too.

    Here at Active Life in Austin, we use proven methods to help ease food sensitivity. Our Immuno 1 Bloodprint allergy test can help determine the specific foods that your body is allergic to. We also provide a customized diet plan that includes a list of toxic foods to avoid, healthy foods to enjoy, and a lot more. Contact Active Life now to get started with your healing process!

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